My Simple Review Policy-ish

Photo by Artem Beliaikin from Pexels

Hi! I’m not a professional reviewer, just someone who loves to read books and share my thoughts about them. 😀

*I mostly read on my Kindle and accept ARCs that are on MOBI format but ePub and PDF are also okay.

*I live in the Philippines that’s why I prefer e-ARCs instead of physical ones as to avoid the hassle of shipping.

*I review the books that I finish here on my blog and on my Goodreads account. I also share most of my reviews on my Twitter account.

*I read mostly Romance, Science Fiction and Fantasy. If there’s a Time Travel thingy on it (in any form), I’ll surely be interested. I kind of like weird or unique but interesting premises. 😆

*My rating system is the same as on Goodreads with half stars added on it.

5🌟 -> this book made me happy and/or made me ugly cry, I connected with the characters and very much into the plot, AWESOME and PERFECT. 😀

4-4.75🌟> this book was great, some little things that I don’t like but still enjoyed it.

3-3.75🌟 -> the book was okay or so-so. It wasn’t bad but not great.

2-2.75🌟 -> a lot of things I did not like, did not connect to the characters, plot did not excite/enticed/intrigued/interested me and I did not enjoy it.

1🌟 ->I haven’t given a 1 star review before because if I’m not liking the book and it’s stressing me out (in a bad way) or causing me to have a reading slump I would have DNF the book already.

* If I DNF a book, I won’t post a review in my blog but I sometimes post my thoughts on Goodreads. By the way, I don’t give a rating for dnf books, most of the time I leave the rating blank.

*If anyone wishes to contact me, just message/dm me on my goodreads or on my twitter. Thank you. 😀